Update your contact information

To receive important messages, make sure PEC has your correct number

If you have recently moved, updated your email address, or changed cell phone service providers, please be sure to provide us with your current contact information so that we can send you important messages.

PEC contacts our members so they can be prepared and informed about outages, system maintenance, payment reminders, and other events. You may miss important notifications if your contact information isn’t updated.

It’s also beneficial for you. PEC recently launched a feature that allows members to report their outage by texting “outage” to 25022. This is a great tool for members, but it won’t work unless your mobile number is associated with your PEC account.

To ensure your information is accurate, use the following steps:

  • Log in or sign up for access on SmartHub.
  • The email you use to log into SmartHub will be the email address we have on file.
  • From the top menu, select ‘My Information’ from the ‘My Profile’ drop-down menu to confirm or update your email address, and select ‘Update My Billing Address & Contact Information’ to confirm, change, or add a phone number.
  • Click ‘Save’ or ‘Update’ when you’ve made changes. That’s it! Email address changes take effect immediately, but it may take up to two business days for phone number changes to show up in SmartHub.

Message and data rates may apply. If you need additional assistance or need help setting up contact information, call us at 888-554-4732 Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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