Elections & Voting

At PEC, your voice matters. For more than 85 years, we’ve been owned and governed by members like you. Your vote in our annual PEC Board of Directors election is your voice in your cooperative, a chance to weigh in on leaders who will represent you and your interests.

In 2025, voters in PEC’s districts 4 and 5 will elect board directors in the annual election. The elected directors will serve three-year terms. Voting is open from May 21 to June 13 at 5 p.m.

Members vote for board directors who represent their voting district. View the latest district maps.

How is my district determined?

Your board director district is determined by the location of your primary account. If you have accounts in different districts, you may request to change your voting district by calling 888-554-4732. Please note that PEC can change your primary account only once every three years.

Your voting district is shown on your bill beneath your name (on the right corner) under Director District. If you are unsure which district is assigned to your primary residence, please give us a call.

Ready to learn more? Meet your Board of Directors and view district maps now.

Voter information

At PEC, we believe in openness and transparency, which is embedded in the democratic election of our board of directors. Democratic member control is one of the Seven Cooperative Principles, and PEC is unique among all electric cooperatives in the high level of transparency and member involvement that occurs in its board elections.

PEC is mindful of our members’ right to privacy. That’s why we take steps to strike a balance between providing adequate information to qualified candidates for board elections, and also limiting access to members’ information. Our Membership List Policy allows the release of names, postal mailing addresses, and PEC voting districts. Qualified director candidates may also get a voter list history with names and mailing addresses and when members last voted.

Members may also opt out of the release of their contact information by:

  • Calling 888-554-4732, Monday through Friday
    between 8 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
  • Mailing a written request to:

Pedernales Electric Cooperative
P.O. Box 1
Johnson City, Texas 78636

Members’ email addresses and phone numbers are not included in any list PEC provides to board candidates.

The cooperative also has a comprehensive Privacy Policy, as well as an Online Privacy Statement. The Online Privacy Statement limits the release of account names, phone numbers, and email addresses. Additionally, members may also opt out of the release of their contact information.

As a democratically controlled cooperative, you decide who governs. The cooperative’s goal is to provide a transparent, open election, so as to allow you to have the best opportunity to make your vote count. Thank you for helping us be the best member-owned cooperative possible.

Voting method instructions

Read more about the available voting methods here.

View the Board of Directors 2025 Election timeline.

View PEC Key Statistics

Interested in serving your district as a PEC Board Director?

Learn about the process
