Tampering With PEC Equipment Is Dangerous and May Result in Fines and Prosecution
If your property needs repairs to its electric system, you may need to have the meter pulled. However, only PEC employees may service or remove a meter. Interference with PEC equipment is prohibited and can pose a threat to your safety and others.
If repairs require an interruption of service, please call us at 888-554-4732, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. If you have an emergency with your electricity, you can call 888-883-3379 at any time. The graphic below shows who owns what equipment. Remember to have a licensed electrician service items not owned by PEC.
Meter tampering is a criminal offense, and the cooperative may choose to file criminal charges. The cooperative may assess a $500 meter-tampering fee and charge offenders for all labor, material, and equipment necessary to repair or replace damaged equipment.