ERCOT-mandated power outage occurringin Seward Junction area

Members asked to please plan accordingly

The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) has ordered the Lower Colorado RiverAuthority (LCRA) to initiate a power outage in the Seward Junction area. This outage was taken without advanced notice to PEC. At this time, PEC does not know how long this outage will last. PEC has no control of the outage or its duration. Members who rely on uninterrupted power should make alternative plans. If you have an emergency, call 911 immediately.

PEC Members in the Seward Junction area who are experiencing an outage that began at 12:43p.m. on Thursday, February 2, do not need to report the outage. PEC will provide updates as soon as the information become available. Please follow us on Facebook and for the latest updates.

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