Activities and Adventures
Hey campers, it’s your cabin leader, Wattson Raccoon here! We’re glad to have you! New camp activities and Camp Save-a-Watt™ adventures await you. You’ll also find fun games, projects, worksheets, and jokes below! New content will be available each week.

Welcome to Week 1
This week, we will be learning about electricity and the basics of Camp Save-a-Watt.
Educational Videos
Week 1: Educational Videos
Virtual Activity:
What is electricity?
Explore where electricity comes from with Switched On Kids interactive resources.
Then, explore how PEC delivers electricity and complete your own pathway of electricity worksheet.

Welcome to Week 2
This week, we will explore circuits and the invention of the light bulb.
Educational Videos
Week 2: Educational Videos
Virtual Activity
Explore the various parts of a circuit and how they work together to create different types of energy.

Welcome to Week 3
This week, we will explore renewable energy sources.
Educational Videos
Week 3: Educational Videos
Virtual Activity:
Watts of Trouble
Use renewable energy sources from the sun, water, and wind to power the rides at the fair.

Welcome to Week 4
This week we will be learning about saving energy.
Educational Videos
Week 4: Educational Videos
Virtual Activity:
What items use the most energy?
Explore what appliances uses the most energy with Switched On Kids interactive resources.
Camp Craft:
Solar oven
Explore this week’s craft by building a solar oven.

Welcome to Week 5
This week we will visit the House of Hazards with Wattson and Sparky.
Educational Videos
Week 4: Educational Videos
Virtual Activity:
Electrical Safety in your Home
Identify all the electrical hazards in a home with Switched On Kids interactive resources.

Welcome to Week 6
This week we will be learning about butterflies!
Educational Videos
Week 4: Educational Videos
Virtual Activity:
Butterfly life cycle
Students explore how butterflies change and grow throughout their life cycle in this interactive lesson from PBS: NATURE.

Welcome to Week 7
This week we will learning about kitchen safety and energy-efficient cooking.
Educational Videos
Week 4: Educational Videos

Welcome to Week 8
This week we will be learning about electrical safety and we'll meet a lineworker!
Educational Videos
Week 4: Educational Videos
Virtual Activity:
Safety Quiz
Test your electrical safety knowledge by taking the Electrical Safety Quiz with Switched On Kids interactive resources.