PEC Board of Director candidates named

Ballot announced for 2024 elections

The Pedernales Electric Cooperative board approved the ballot for the Cooperative’s 2024 Board of Directors Election at its regular meeting April 19. This year, 7 members are running for three director positions in districts 1, 6, and 7. The following candidates are listed in the order in which they will appear on the ballot:

District 1:
Milton Rister

District 6:
Garry D. Crain
Grover D. Clifton, Jr.
Paul Graf

District 7:
Amy Lea SJ Akers
Daniel Ayala, Jr.
Mark Jones

These candidates met the eligibility requirements in the Cooperative’s bylaws, collected the required 50-member petition signatures from within their voting district, and completed all other official documentation necessary for entry onto the ballot. Directors must reside in the district for which they are seeking to be elected. This year, members from districts 1, 6, and 7 are eligible to vote.

Voting begins May 21 and runs through June 14 at 5 p.m. Members may vote online, via PEC SmartHub on a computer or mobile device, by mail, by email link, or in a PEC office. Members can also use a unique QR code found on their ballot to access the voting portal. By voting, members have the chance to win drawings for $400, $100, or $75 bill credits. Prize winners will be announced at PEC’s Annual Meeting on June 21, but do not need to be present to win.

PEC embraces what it means to be a cooperative — owned and governed by our members and recognizes the democratic process that makes this possible. Democratic member control is one of the Seven Cooperative Principles and PEC is unique among all electric cooperatives in the high level of transparency and member involvement that occurs in its board elections. Any PEC member who meets the qualifications written in the Cooperative’s bylaws may run for a seat on the board. PEC’s Qualifications and Elections Committee, a member-led group, verifies candidates meet the bylaw requirements to run and an independent, third-party handles the ballot processing and counts.

Election results will be released June 18 and newly elected directors will be seated June 21. For complete PEC election information, visit

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