Interconnection Process

The path toward connecting your distributed generation installation to PEC’s system begins here. This process will take approximately four to six weeks to complete, and PEC is always here to help.

Be sure to read our Member Guide before you get started.

Next, create your online account.

Once you have created an account, you will select ‘Create an Application’ and select ‘Existing DG’ as the Offering Type.

Please complete all of the required fields. You will need to upload a signed Interconnection Agreement form and Member Acknowledgement form.

Once the completed form is submitted with both signed documents, we will process your request and place your account on the Interconnect Rate.

***Please note that your bill will not reflect excess generation (Sustainable Power Credit) until the signed document is received and processed.***

Before you begin the process, review the Distributed Generation (DG) FAQsincluding the associated fees and rates.

Download the instructions for our Interconnection Process Application:

Create your interconnection portal account with P3.

Please note:

  • If you are a PEC member, you must register as a customer.
  • If you are a solar installer, you must register your account as a Market Actor. This will provide you visibility to all of your submitted projects with PEC and will enable you to request a final inspection.

Complete and submit your interconnection application and required documents:

*A Market Actor may upload additional supporting documents after the application is submitted by logging in to their registered account and selecting the corresponding project. Use the upload section found at the bottom of the application and click Update to save your work. Once the application is updated, please notify our team at [email protected] so we may review the additional document. An email notification will be generated once the review is complete.

If the system is to operate in parallel with the PEC distribution system, the associated costs recover PEC’s actual cost to facilitate a member installing DG.

For all systems smaller than or equal to 50 kW in size, the following fees apply:

  • Application and engineering study fee: $250

For systems larger than 50 kW in size, the following fees apply:

  • Application fee: $150
  • Engineering study fee: (actual cost)

If the system impact engineering study determines that upgrades to PEC’s distribution system are necessary, the member can choose whether to proceed to work with the cooperative on the upgrades per the line extension section in PEC’s Tariff and Business Rules.

Download the Interconnection Agreement

  • Member Instructions

Please email signed and currently dated agreement to [email protected]. In the subject line, please use your service address. In the body of the email, please include the words, “Interconnection Agreement.”

  • Installer or Market Actor Instructions, for submitting agreement on behalf of a member

Use the Upload File tab to the left of the Project Home screen. Select Add File and choose Interconnection Agreement as the document type. Once completed, the signed and currently dated document may be uploaded.

If the system operates in parallel with the PEC distribution system, the associated costs recover PEC’s actual cost to facilitate a member installing DG.

For systems smaller than or equal to 50 kW in size, the following fees apply:

  • Interconnect agreement and inspection fee: $250

For systems larger than 50 kW in size, the following fees apply:

  • Interconnect agreement and inspection fee: $250

Member and installer, if applicable, will receive a notice of approval to install DG equipment.

Once installation is complete, please notify PEC to request an on-site inspection of your DG system. Please note a miscellaneous trip fee of $100 may be assessed to the member account if multiple site visits are required to complete a final inspection.

Installer: Please request a final inspection from us by logging in to your registered P3 account. Select the project you wish to request a final inspection for and toggle, “Request Final Inspection.”

Member: Please email [email protected] and include your service address in the subject heading and include the words, “Final Inspection” in the body of your email.

PEC will email notice of permission to operate your DG system once the final inspection has passed. Due to safety concerns, PEC requires system lockout until permission to operate has been provided. Please do not operate your DG system until you have received written notification from PEC.

Applicable interconnection billing is started, and the interconnection process is complete! For more information, please see our distributed generation interconnection rates.

Click here to see an interconnection rate bill example.

Download instructions for our Interconnection Process Application

Learn more about interconnection rates

Learn more about establishing an interconnection

Interconnection fee payment options

For members:

  • Interconnection fees will be posted to your PEC account and invoiced with consumption for the location at the time of submission of an interconnect application.


For installers paying on behalf of a member:

  • Pay by phone: 855-938-3589 using the member’s 10-digit account number or phone number.
  • Pay online using our Pay Now feature, the member’s 10-digit PEC account number, and the primary account holder’s last name.
  • Mail payment(s) to PEC at P.O. Box 1 Johnson City TX 78636 ATTN: REMITTANCE
    • Be sure to include the member’s PEC account number, name, and service address with the payment.


PEC accepts all major credit cards and checks by phone; there is no fee to make a payment.

***Please note: Fees do not post to the account until a new billing cycle occurs. Members logging in to their account will not see the fees posted to the account until a new bill is generated***
