Home » Board of Directors » Mark Ekrut
Mark Ekrut

District 3 Director & Secretary-Treasurer
Elected: June 16, 2020
Last Election: 2023
Next Election: 2026
District 3 Director Mark Ekrut was elected to the PEC Board of Directors in 2020. He is currently a municipal judge for the city of Jonestown and an active member of the Texas Municipal Court Association and the Sheriff’s Association of Texas. Ekrut has also earned certifications from the National Association of Corporate Directors, the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, and as a Texas mediator.
Ekrut has been a small business owner in Cedar Park for more than 25 years. In his free time, he is a mentor to students at Lago Vista High School, an active volunteer and driver for the local food bank, a volunteer for the North Lake Chamber of Commerce, and a member of the Friends of Balconies Canyonland National Wildlife Refuge.
A fourth-generation Texan, Ekrut and his wife of 30-plus years live in Jonestown.